Monday, May 30, 2022

BBB Champion Hill 1862

 After a very very long time, I got to play a game of BBB with Nacho. We ran Vincent Tsao's Champion Hill 1862 scenario. We used my old 10mm ACW Pendraken  collection (now gifted to Nacho) .

We had a blast, once more appreciating what a great operational level system BBB is for 19th century, early 20th Century gaming. I commanded the Union and Nacho the Rebels. I lost too much time with traffic jams, and then his unit on Champion Hill proved more stubborn than historically, while Bowen's unit held fast forcing my lines back. In the end I took the hill, but could not push on for more objectives. A good balanced scenario. Losses were comparable for both sides, about the equivalent of ten thousand men, but of course this will be more heavy for the smaller Rebel army.

The Table set up 

Union reinforcements

The table during action

Another action shot

The Table at the end of the game 

With the front line in red. Union is to the bottom of the picture.

Various action shots!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Some more wargaming Might and Reason

 Our monthly game with Nacho and Onur two weeks ago was a battle pitting early 18th century Ottomans and Hpasburg Imperials in a game of Might and Reason. It ended in an Imperial victory over the Ottomans in what was mainly a learning game.  Figures were 1/72, a collection of Zvezda, Mars, and Strelets