Saturday, February 24, 2024

Small Project Done: Proxy Khorne Combat Patrol XP Store Army

 Finished a small project. XP Store has two large collections as store armies. One Chaos Space Marines and one Dark Angels. Both are in a rather bad state, though the CSM is easier to refurbish. I decided to extract a Khorne Berzerker Combat Patrol. This would provide us with an extra army for new players or people who do not own a force and want to participate. For free I thus took this project on. I always wanted to paint a Khorne Berzerker force (back when I started 40k in 3rd edition), and thus this was a good chance to get that want satiated. The force is a proxy force, so players will need to decide what stands for what with the published Combat Patrol list. Here are photos and a video of the collection. Miniatures are form all over the history of Warhammer 40k. I enjoyed building this force. I will also be building a Dark Angel proxy Combat Patrol.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sixth game of the year: Remote Brave Little Belgium

 Played a remote game of Brave Little Belgium with Onur. I took the Germans, he took the Entente. I had a good first turns with the Germans, with Liege falling quickly. The 1st Army was able to reach Ghent in time for giving me the victory. Namur fell quickly to the 3rd and 2nd Army, while an epic battle for Ghent erupted between the 5th French Army and the 1st German Army. By the end of the game the Belgian Army was destroyed, and British EF  left with one battered infantry division. The 1st Germany Army had lost half its units but held Ghent, while the 2nd German Army was also cut to pieces (by the BEF around Mons), while the 3rd Army had suffered losses but was still a strategic threat poised to enter France. The 4th Germany Army was marching towards the French border.  The French 5th and 4th Armies were still a strategic force and located between the two German Armies in the north. All in all a fun game.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Fifth Game of the Year: Legion Imperialis

 This Tuesday we had another game of Legion Imperialis with Vern. A learning game (so it and the combat patrol learning game I ran for my friend count as one game together), I once more led the Alpha Legion vs the Solar Auxilia. We got two turns in before having to call quits. I really like the order system and alternating activations. Combat went more quickly this time. But we did notice several ways to abuse the rules (kamikaze transports). All in all a good foundation but as always with GW, several holes in the rules that require home rules. The highlight of the game was Vern's 8 sentinels bringing down my Warhound Titan.

Milestone and learning game: Undead and Remote Combat Patrol

 I reached a milestone in my Fantasy Undead Project. I now have a force that can be used in a 4 point Saga: Age of Magic Game. Undead are all Citadel Miniatures.

Flesh and Steel vs. Bone and Malice

I also ran a two turn remote learning game of Combat Patrol for my friend Kostas. Here are a couple of pictures.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Project Done: 28mm Chivalric force for Saga inspired from the Araswell contingent in Mark Smylie's "Blackheart"

 While I am still working on the Erid and Dain Dania contingents inspired by the Black Day Battle in Mark Smylie's Artesia series, I have completed the Araswell contingent inspired by the "Blackheart" novel in the same setting. I used 28mm Perry Miniatures plastic War of the Roses Foot Knights and Infantry, and Old Glory War of the Roses crossbowmen. It took me about a year and half to finish this. Cost for these specific is about 35 USD (from a total of 100 USD for all three projects-Erid & Dain Dania and Araswell). 

The force is organized with Saga: Age of Magic in mind using the Great Kingdoms list. Thus a warlord, two units of hearthguard (4 each), one unit of warriors (8), and one unit of levies (12 crossbows)