Friday, November 25, 2022

Wargaming News August-November 2022


With the generally ridiculous twitter situation (remember somebody gave that guy 44 billion to do this), I should remember, and remind you I also have a blog. 

Quite naturally I have not had any chances to play wargames these months. All of my time has been devoured by the move. I did spend money, a bit too much, on wargaming related stuff (picked up copies of To The Strongest Army Lists, DBA version 3.0, Basic Impetus, Saga: Age of Magic  plus some RPG books for inspiration). I also bought and sent presents to my gaming friends in Turkey.

Gaming Wise, I did not play anything. I did check out the two gaming spaces in town, and will probably join the local Kill Team groups, and try to convert some of them into Saga: Age of Magic as a gateway to historical wargaming. 

I did buy a box of Perry Miniatures War of the Roses Foot knights. Yes I had foresworn 28mm, but I am working on a Saga adaption for Mark Smylie's Artesia Known World setting and wish to use them for it and Age of Magic and as a way to convert 40k/Kill Team players to historicals.  While I love the Perry Figures, my eyes are not what they used to be in locating the small pieces (too many pieces, too much lego) that make up each figure. Still it is some hobby activity. 

I have also written a scenario for a Battle in the Known World Setting (Devin Gara), prepared two factions for Saga : The Known World (Western Aurians and Manon Mole Bandit Knights), and working on DBA lists. So lots of activity behind the scenes.