Saturday, November 30, 2024

Fifth and Sixth Game at Atlanta

 On November 16th and 17th I got to play back to back. 40k in the first day, and the final scenario for the year in my BT campign. All in all good fun, though I will confess, playing BT after 40k, makes 40k look far too simple and thin gruel. I am not saying you cannot have fun. I am playing! But BT does provide a richer game experience. 

Photos from both games!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Some done stuff

 Over the two weeks I have painted some stuff for all of my current projects (28mm 15th century, Battletech, and 40k). As you will notice it is all sloppy, but I care not. The older I get the more I care just about a hint of personalization, and tabletop ready

1st) A vile Rhino for my sick old men army (i.e the Death Guard for 40k)

2nd) The last infantry for my Mark Smylie Artesia inspired 15th century 28mm Armyu 

3rd) A Thudnerbolt for my Battletech