I have made some changes to pages
1) I revised the Material for Wargaming Page
2) I have added a page on my Warhammer 40k setting The Illustris War
I have made some changes to pages
1) I revised the Material for Wargaming Page
2) I have added a page on my Warhammer 40k setting The Illustris War
May 2025 be a year of peace, love, joy, health, and affluence for you and yours!
I wish happy wargaming to all and many projects started and finished in 2025!
I finally forced myself to sit down and finish my draft scenarion in LJdPB format for BBB, Olustee 1864. A bloody knife fight in open terrain, this was a Confederate victory and the only major land battel in Florida in the US Civil War. You can find it in the Material for Wargaming page, the BBB Groups io file section, and at this link.
Enjoy and a Happy New Year to all!
We visited the Atlanta Hisotry Center, which houses the Battle of Atlanta Cylcorama. Of course I took many pictures. Part I are the non-US civil war exhibits.