Monday, September 2, 2024

A Call to Arms: The Atlanta Eastside Light Irregulars

 After surveying the historical wargaming scene in my area I decided that perhaps it is worth organizing a new group. There are strong communities at Marietta (centered at Gigabites Cafe-25-28 minutes from me through interstates, which really does a great job fostering a community), and meeting a local houses, but it does feel most of the action is in the west-side of the Metropolitan area of Atlanta. 

Since I have to drive to work 50 minutes to one hour, I would rather not drive too much to hobby stuff. I also want to patronize the local gaming stores (Challenge Games and Comics, and LevelUP-Duluth).

So let me put out a call for arms for people interested to join me in the Atlanta Eastside Light Irregulars. 

Atlanta since we are interested in serving the Atlanta historical wargaming community. 

Eastside since we aim to patronage mainly Challenge Games and Comics and LevelUP-Duluth which are on the east-side of the metropolitan region. 

Light since the aim is to provide a space for those who do not have a lot of game time and focus on historical wargames (both miniature and boardgames) that provide a quality game experience in a short amount of time (1 to 3 hours)

Irregulars since we aim to provide gaming opportunities for those that really cannot make even monthly sessions. The aim at this point is one event per quarter , for a total of four events per year. 

I also would like to organize battlefield visits for participants. One a year. I have a chevy traverse and thus can accommodate 6 to 8 people and our region is replete with national and state battlefield parks within comfortable travel distance. 

So that is the idea, four sessions a year, 1-3 hours each, perhaps multiple games running at the same time, and one battlefield visit a year. 

If interested please email at . Depending on the interest, I will make a Discord Server for us. 

More information below 

Games I can readily host 

Miniature Games:

Bloody Big Battles (using my Le Journal De Petite Battailes, fast-play scenarios)  10mm

Board Games: (I Intend to grow the collection)

Brave Little Belgium

White Eagle Defiant. 

Games I am building up to 

28mm 15th Century Europe. I have To the Strongest! and wish to try it, and can also use DBA or Basic Impetus. Also interested in Never Mind the Billhooks 

10mm Altar of Freedom. My ACW collection is in Turkey, and will take a couple of years to get here. But I do have the rules and the sceanrio books, plus the two campaign systems. 

Rules I have, but for which I have no collections but would be willing to join a project 

Great War Spearhead (though not really a fast play system)

Lasalle II 


Might and Reason 

Two Napoleonics/19th Century Skirmish Systems 

Rules I do not have but would be interesting to try with others


Liber Militum Tercios 

Contemptible Little Armies 

I also have naval warfare rules, though I am not interested in doing something on my own

Kiss me Hardy

Broadside and Ram

Perfidious Albion 

Projects I am interested in miniature wise 

Ancients-Medieval 15mm

1914-1941 6mm


  1. Good luck, sir. A trifle long drive for me from NYC, otherwise I'd be in.

    1. I wish Ceren had also an offer from an NY insitution. But we got the double here. I would love to game with you!

  2. A good idea!
    Although I'm Woodstock, to the North.

    1. Thank you Kirk. Gigabites makes more sense for you. It is only 22 minutes away compared to the places that are closer to me.

  3. I agree, finding local gaming is difficult. I live over in West Walton County GA and no stores close. Looking for local wargamers. Unfortunately, sounds like our rule sets don't align. I play WFB 6/7 Ed, Dragon Rampant, Rebels and Patriots, Fistful of Lead variants, Bolt Action. Other Osprey Wargames of interest including Xenos Rampant, Lion Rampant, Men Who Would Be Kings, Bolt Action Cold War, Bolt Action Vietnam, Zombie games, old Necromunda, Mordheim, etc. Simple rules with not too much number crunching at this point in the life preferred, LOL!

    1. No problem. Sometimes you host, sometimes I host. That is not an issue. Ideally the meetings are like a small con with different games going on. Shoot an email if you would like to be kep in the loop.
