Sunday, March 2, 2025

Updates on March plans

 This March things move as this 

1) Ordered a box of Les Grongards from Challenges Games and Comics and a two rotary guns arms from Etsy. These will be used to built the Voidsmen at Arms for my Imperial Agents force, and probably a unit of traitor guardsmen for a future Tetrachy force. Cost: Around 60 USD. To be paid in march.

2) Ordered the balance of my BFG fleets from my friend Chris. These are for April. Cost: 20 USD to be paid in April.

3) Continued working on my terrain: cost 15 USD. Paid. 

On the paitning desk are the following 

1) BFG ships (mix of Chaos and Empire)

2) Terrain 

3) Nurglinings

4) Battletech Clan box mechs. 

Game-wsie, since I ended up with no gaming in February I schjeduled two sessions this March

1) March 9th, East Side Light Irregulars Meeting

2) March 15th, 4 player 40k Incursion game

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