Monday, February 27, 2023

My mind is on fire. LJdPB update

 The remote game we had with Vincent really has fired me up! I now have at least one confirmation that the philosophy of LJdPB places BBB again within my reach. And it has led me to ambitiously consider multiple scenarios. I probably am biting more than I can chew, but darn it, it feels good to be fired up!

Here are some scenarios I am thinking for future treatment under LJdPB (these are separate from the 1919-1922 scenarios) . If you want to help with designing some of them, feel free to contact me at ktravlos(at)yahoo(dot)com. I am looking at scenarios which saw roughly 10,000-60,000 men combined for both sides present and were there is at least enough info for a 1000 men per base scale, and that can be played in 3x3 table (the goal is about 10-20 bases per side, scales can be 500,1000,3000 men per base). 

One or Two Scenarios from the First Carlist War (need to get sources)

Gisikon/Gilsikon 1847 "Henri Dufour's brilliant victory"

Goito 1848 "The Futile Victory"

One or Two Scenarios from the Frist Schleswig-Holstein War 

Olusteee 1864 "Seymours Southern Folly"

Curupaity 1866 "Desperate Assault by the Paraguay River" 

Avay 1868 "Caxias closes the trap"

Tarapaca 1879 "A desert defeat for the Chileans"

Chalchuapa 1885 "End of Rufino Barrios"

Concos and Placilla 1891 "Civil War in Chile"

Driskos 1912 "The Redshirts shed their blood"