Saturday, February 24, 2024

Small Project Done: Proxy Khorne Combat Patrol XP Store Army

 Finished a small project. XP Store has two large collections as store armies. One Chaos Space Marines and one Dark Angels. Both are in a rather bad state, though the CSM is easier to refurbish. I decided to extract a Khorne Berzerker Combat Patrol. This would provide us with an extra army for new players or people who do not own a force and want to participate. For free I thus took this project on. I always wanted to paint a Khorne Berzerker force (back when I started 40k in 3rd edition), and thus this was a good chance to get that want satiated. The force is a proxy force, so players will need to decide what stands for what with the published Combat Patrol list. Here are photos and a video of the collection. Miniatures are form all over the history of Warhammer 40k. I enjoyed building this force. I will also be building a Dark Angel proxy Combat Patrol.