Sunday, September 15, 2024

First game of the year at Atlanta: BattleTech!

 I got my first game in Atlanta. I was lucky to be permitted to participate in an ongoing BattleTech Campaign that meets once a month at Level UP-Duluth. I played my Shadohawk (pilot Yang Tomaras) and were part of a mercenary company that was seeking to liberate a certain item, and capture a certain person from the enemy. We were quite successful and won with no mech losses, and with two kills to our group. All in all a great experience, and a big thank you to our GM and my fellow players. BT is definitely a different animal than 40k  or my usual historicals, but playing it in this form was quite fun and a good way to get the hang of it. 

The campaign included three maps, and I played in one of them. Pictures below 

The map I played on. 


Bullying a Assassin 

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