Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Fourteenth Game of the Year: Combat Patrol

Today I got in two Combat Patrol games. I played a digital one with Tasos on TTS, were my Death Guard won a 31-29 VP game with Tasos playing Votann. Then at XP me and Darren played face to face exactly the same scenario with my DG vs his Necrons. This time I lost 27 to 50. I did not do much wrong. The Necrons are just really tough. There was another CP game where Vern played his Dark Eldar against Stephen's Votann. Stephen two brothers came to watch and learn the game. The Dark Eldar won. It was nice to see two games with fully painted armies and good terrain. 

Here are photos of the two games. (click for larger images)

Our game at the start of turn 1

Monday, April 22, 2024

Museum of Anatolian Civilizations (Archeological Museum) of Ankara, Turkey

First and Second Buildings of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Istanbul

Visit to Edirne, Kirkillise, Lule-Burgas, Chtaltza First Balkan Wat Battlefields

Turkish Naval Museum, Istanbul

Kazim Karabekir House Museum, Istanbul

Museums at Milano (Risognimento and Special Exhibit on Fascist Media )

Ish Bankasi Museum Exhibition for Turkish War of Liberation/ Greek-Turkish War 1919-1922)


Toy Museum at Gozetepe, Istanbul


Gazhane at Kadikoy

 Photos from the restored Gazhane at Kadikoy

Istanbul Hisart Model, Diorama, and Figurine Military Museum

Photos from two diffrent visits to the private collection of the Hisart Model, Diorama and Figurine Museum  

Istanbul War Museum

 Photos from a visit to the Istanbul War Museum 

Greek War Museum

 Photos form a visit to the Greek War Museum 

National Museum of Greece (My favorite small Museum)

 Photos from an old visit at the National Museum of Greece

Castle of Saint Georigos Keffalonia, Nafplio, and Thessaloniki 2012

Saint Georgios

Visit to Cyprus in 2012

 Some pictures from my visit to Cyprus back in 2012

The distasteful mark of conquest for a Greek

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Past Collections: 28mm Fugures. Many of which I should never had parted with.

Photos form the old blog of 28mm figures I paid. These are gone now, sold or given away. I regret selling my Space Marines especially, as the new owner stripped off the paint work.

Click for larger pictures 

Past Collections: Some 54mm models I did over the years.


Thirteenth Game of the Year: Three Player Combat Patrol

 Today on Saturday we played a three way Combat Patrol game between my Death Guard, Darren's Necrons, and Stephen using the Khorne Berserker CP I had painted for XP. We played at XP. Darren and me were also babysitting, which explains the loss of two miniatures (thankfully extra poxwalkers, it is the thirteenth game)

All in all a good tense game using the Combat Patrol Multiplayer Rules (in White Dwarf). By the end most of our armies were cut to piece, Darren's and Stephen's warlords were dead (we were playing Clash of Champions), and Stephen won with 60 VP vs my 50 VP, vs Darren's 20 VP. 

Click for larger pictures 

Turn 1

Friday, April 19, 2024

Project done for now: Tau Force for Warhammer 40k/ Inter-Species Security Organization Vanguard Conflict Cadre for Xenos Rampant

 For the time being I am done working on my Tau/ISO force for 40k/Xenos Rampant. I have enough miniatures for the first Tau Combat Patrol for 10th edition Warhammer 40k , about 600 in points, and more than 24 points for Xenos Rampant. I am quite happy with this force, and have ideas about how to expand, using the lore of the Tau in 40k to buy and use miniatures from a wide range of manufacturers. But I am not in a hurry to do so. It was a fun force to collect, including miniatures from three deferent manufacturers.  

The Xenos Rampant army list can be reached through this link. In Xenos Rampant this is a Inter-Species Security Organization Vanguard Conflict Cadre, which I envision as the scout forces of an alliances of many species, including humans, that face various interstellar threats (including human ones). Here are the photos.

The whole force (click for bigger pictures)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Twelfth Game of the Year: Legion Imperialis again

 This Tuesday we played another game of Legio Imperialist at XP Games. I once more lost playing the Astrates, this time by Turn 2. Vern played the Imperial Army. I am starting to understand some concepts though. Comapred to 40k, it has a steeper learning curve. I played with Tasos a 1000 point Incursion game on TTS, and despite losing with my DG, I gave it a good run. This after about six-seven games of CP. LI is definitly harder.  Some random photos from the action.